Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Chicken and Waffles Saga

First off, this is a blog maintained by Trevor M and Cristina M because we've been assigned to a project in Trenton, NJ for the next 6 months and we needed a way to share the beauty and culture of Trenton with all of you in cyberspace.

We're currently on week 2 of our journey and we've been staying at the Marriott in downtown Trenton. Let's just say that the Marriott is our own type of prison. It's a nice prison, with a decent happy hour and a local specialty called Trenton Tea, but a prison nonetheless. Why would a hotel be a prison you ask? Well, we don't feel so good about going outside after dark in Trenton. We equate it to going outside in the dark during the movie "I Am Legend." The world can be a scary place after dark in Trenton. Our client lead warned us during our first day that Trenton has a lot of "gangs, and also a lot of shootings." So we hang out in the prison after dark and watch the Olympics.

During the daylight hours though, we, like all people, are foraging for food. During our first stroll through the golden streets of Trenton, we noticed a restaurant named T.R.Y. J.'s Chicken and Waffles. Now, let me make a brief aside here; I went to school at Pepperdine University and one of the main reasons we left the idyllic town of Malibu was to venture into downtown LA for some Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. Its a cultural and culinary experience all wrapped up into one. I'm a huge fan of chicken and waffles - sweet and savory, protein and carbs, plus who doesn't love waffles at any time of the day. So the fact that Trenton has a chicken and waffles place had the off-chance of being the one redeeming quality of staying in this otherwise less-than-mediocre city. Cristina was equally intrigued so we made it a point to research how we could possibly get a meal at this rare find.

The decor is exotic; a peacock would feel very at home inside this place. We walked by and tried to find the hours of operation but they weren't listed. We scoured the internet and found some pretty stellar reviews. In addition to odd hours of service, they also have a church alternative service at 9 am on Sundays followed by, you guessed it, a brunch featuring chicken and waffles. I called their phone number and they advertised their $10 express lunch. We were so determined to go to T.R.Y.'s that we scheduled a meeting nearby right around lunchtime. We left just shy of noon and arrived at the front door, our mouths salivating for a taste of double fried heaven, only to find the doors locked. The one potential saving grace of Trenton - closed with no signs of opening in the forseeable future.

What are these consultants to do..... maybe we'll just have to stay in Princeton next week.

1 comment:

trevor mclaren said...

Does this comment thing even work?